
Monster Level: 4 - 8
Age Range: 15 - 25 years
Mass: 500 pounds
DAP: 25
ST: 100
CN: 80
DX: 35
IN: 35
WI: 30
DT: 188

Nightvision: 30 feet
Speed: 80 feet / 5 sec

Average MVP: 101
PCA (Natural Weapons): 80%
Number of Attacks (Natural Weapons): 2
Damage (Natural Weapons): 1d10 - open hand

Ogres are found in all terrains and can be self-ruling or subservient, depending upon the intelligence and strength of the one trying to rule. If found en masse in a settlement, there will be a ruling class and servant classes. Ogres do not use fashioned armour, though they do use fashioned weapons (spears and clubs). They will also hit with their fists for 1d10 Damage Tolerance of damage.