Monster Level: 8
Age Range: 25 - 50 years
Mass: 2000 pounds
DAP: 50
ST: 500
CN: 100
DX: 25
IN: 25
WI: 20
DT: 610
Nightvision: 25 feet
Speed: 70 feet / 5 sec
Average MVP: 336
PCA (Natural Weapons): 65%
Number of Attacks (Natural Weapons): 1
Damage (Natural Weapons): 5d10 - bite, 8d10 tail
These huge lizards are used primarily for caravan travel across the deserts. They have large scales, usually reflective white, though some color variations into the green scales have been noticed. They are 30 to 40 feet long, 10 to 15 feet high. They are trainable and rideable. Large pagodas are used as saddles and they answer well to reigns once trained for them. Although they are not much affected by heat, they require a massive amount of water once a week. More than a week without water and these behemoths will falter and die. They attack with either a bite or a tail whip once per Combat Cycle. They have a keen sense of smell, the glands for this located on the tongue. Their hearing is excellent, though their eyesight is poor.