Spider, Giant
Monster Level: 5
Age Range: 2 - 4 years
Mass: 350 pounds
DAP: 30
ST: 75
CN: 75
DX: 70
IN: 20
WI: 10
DT: 158
Nightvision: None
Speed: 100 feet / 5 sec
Average MVP: 79
PCA (Natural Weapons): 120%
Number of Attacks (Natural Weapons): 3
Damage (Natural Weapons): 1d10 - bite, 2d10 - grasp
These large creatures are omnivorous web-builders and live on ground and in the middle level of tall trees. Their webs can be spun either horizontally or vertically. Any creature becoming entrapped will take some time to disengage in the following manner: a 90 ST or better will recover in one Combat Cycle, an 80 ST in two Combat Cycles, etc. These spiders have three forms of attack: a web spray to entangle and hold victims, a poisonous bite, and a crushing grasp. There is a specific order to these attacks. A giant spider attacking by surprise will always use its web spray as its first attack, attempting to entangle and hold at least one victim. This web spray is very difficult to escape from and requires a roll vs the victims STdV. If the victim rolls over his dV, he remains trapped in the web for five Combat Cycles, at which point he may roll again. Next, the spider will attack with its bite, always preferring to attempt this upon the webbed victim (who obviously gets no parry on this attack), but will attempt to bite any individuals between it and its prey. If the spiders attack is successful and causes at least two points of damage, then the victim must make a Constitution Roll or become paralyzed in two Combat Cycles. If the spider sees that a bite is having effect, it will then jump on the victim in a bear hug, well, spider hug, grasping the victim to its belly with all eight legs. This crushing force causes damage every two Combat Cycles, always 2d10. If the spider is reduced to half its Damage Tolerance, it will begin its retreat, usually up a tree or some other vertical surface. It will then only attack what is between it and its safe haven.