Synthetic Animation, Flesh
Flesh Animations: These are not undead animations. These synthans are made from parts of different dead bodies, as opposed to undead animations which are one body (or whats left of it). Flesh synthans are similar in appearance to their original races but are as much as 20% larger due to construction methods. The body parts used must be from the same race and must be fresh and preserved to prevent rotting. The Mage must build the shell himself, though assistance is possible (as long as the assistants name is Igor or Eye-gor). The one necessity is that the brain and spinal cord of the construct must be in one piece. These cannot be sewn or stitched together. This one limitation is also the reason for the flesh synthans innate intelligence. There is actually a chance (10%) that the brains memories will be activated by the lightning bolt during creation and that brains spirit and personality will then inhabit the shell.
Flesh synthans are the exception to the damage rule of reanimation. Once the spirit leaves the shell, the shell has taken too much damage to be reanimated. Some parts may still be useful in the creation of another flesh animation, but this one in particular is toast.
Some races cannot become synthetic animations because of the magic inherent in the genes. These are dwarves, elves, gnomes, and xenomorphs.
The creation of a flesh synthan requires the following Primary or Secondary Skills:
Preserve Food/Body Parts
The construction of the shell must begin and end within a one month time span. If time runs over, the construct begins to rot, regardless of preservation either natural or magical. Once the shell is built, the Mage must cast the following spells. They must be cast in this sequence and consecutively. No resting period is allowed.
The creation of a flesh synthan requires the following spells in the following order:
(1) Enchant Item
(2) Protection from... Spirits
(3) Summon from Other Plane... Spirit
(4) Command
(5) Lightning Bolt
(6) Unalterable Aura
If any one of the spells fails, the construct will not animate and the spirit summoned forth to animate the shell may attack the Mage (80% chance). The Mage can deter this and begin again only by immediately dispelling the magic and starting from scratch as soon as he knows the spell failed.
Flesh synthans start with the following base statistics:
2 Attacks per Combat Cycle
Damage per Attack: 2d10 + 1 D10 for every Monster Level over first.
DAP: 15
ST: 50
IN: 25
WI: 30
DX: 45
CN: 50
Speed: 60 ft/5 sec.
The following materials add bonuses in the areas listed:
Half-Elf: IN +5, DX +5
Half-Orc: ST +15, CN +10
Human: DX +5
Kaynyn: ST +15, CN +20, Speed +50 ft/5 sec.
Orc: ST +25, CN +10
Pheelyne: CN +25, Speed +25 ft/5 sec.
Shireling: DX +15
Other options abound and are solely at the gamemasters discretion.