The vampyre is a tempting character to play. Vampyres have an eternity in which to attain their goals. They can plot and take great care to insure their own existences. The catch is that they must move at night and must feed on blood.
How to become a vampyre. A new vampyre must be chosen by a veteran vampyre. Next, the vampyre feeds on the subject, draining blood just to the point of death for the victim. The vampyre then forces himself to cease feeding (not always as easy as it sounds). He punctures a vein or artery, it doesnt matter which, sometimes on the wrist, sometimes the neck, sometimes the chest, and forces or invites the subject to drink the blood. Once the subject has finished, the veteran must go out and feed again. The subject will sleep until sundown of the next day. When he awakes the next sundown, hes a vampyre. His creator may or may not help him through his transition.
The advantages of being a vampyre are numerous. For one thing, theres the life span- eternity. The only ways to fully kill a vampyre are to burn him to ash, or to sever his head from the rest of his body. The stake through the heart just hurts a lot.
Next, one must remember the vampyres regenerative powers. Wounds that would take months to heal are mended overnight. The physical condition one is in when one becomes a vampyre is the physical condition in which one will awaken each sundown.
Another trait that comes all the way through the legends and into the pop culture of today is the strengths of the vampyre, both physical and mental. The range for the physical strength is anything from double to nearly ten-times the strength of the pre-vampyre times for that particular person. The strength gain depends entirely upon the master vampyre.
Mental powers are similar. Hypnosis and mind control are natural to the nosferatu at very high levels of control, again determined by the initial strength of the master vampyre.
The vampyre is an almost irresistible sex object. Not because of his looks, but because of his aura. That same aura of sensuality can instantly be changed to one of fear, causing adrenaline to surge through the victim. This is similar to the spell, Empathy.
The disadvantages are also numerous, but much more specific. Sunlight is bad (Actually, its not the sunlight that does it, but the ultraviolet rays.). The metabolism doesnt work for anything but blood. Fire is a major hazard. Vampyres are not scared of fire so long as they are not in it. Even a scorching will regenerate overnight. The only danger is complete incineration.
Now, about sleeping in a coffin. If one wants to avoid contact with UV light, ground is a great insulator. No UV will penetrate a foot or so of earth. The same is true for a crypt and a coffin. However, sleep is not the important thing. Vampyres dont need to sleep. Its just easier to sleep than it is to wait bored all day.
When a Player Character is made a vampyre, certain changes take place. The most noticeable of these changes is the increase in all of the Characters Statistics, with the exception of Comeliness (because the physical body does not change, except for complexion). For all other Stats, the master vampyres Stats are divided by 10 and this number added to the new vampyres respective stats. This means that a master vampyre with a 150 Strength transfers 15 of those points to the new vampyres Strength. Technically, the new vampyres mortal statistic score becomes his new base and the added points becomes his Vampyre dValue, or VdV. This means that it is possible to have VdVs of over 100. So, an example:
Qernon is a 7th Character Level human Fighter with the following Stats:
Strength 48
Constitution 63
Dexterity 58
Intelligence 68
Wisdom 57
Comliness 78
He is made vampyre by Aloris. She has the following Stats:
Strength 62
Constitution 84
Dexterity 72
Intelligence 82
Wisdom 92
Comeliness 82
Her Stats are then divided by 10 and that number added to Qernons as dValues. Qernons Stats now look like this:
Strength Base 48+VdV 6 = Total 52
Constitution Base 63+VdV 8 = Total 71
Dexterity Base 58+VdV 7 = Total 65
Intelligence Base 68+VdV 8 = Total 66
Wisdom Base 57+VdV 9 = Total 66
Comeliness Base 78 +VdV 0 = Total 78 - Remember, this doesnt change!
Qernons Damage Tolerance Points are also drastically affected. As a mortal, he had 153 DTP (ST 48 + CN 63 + 42 CN Bonus during 7 levels). He now adds his vampyric Strength and Constitution and divides by 2 ((52+71)÷2) to get his vampyric DTP adjustment of 62. These DTP are added to his mortal DTP at creation only, bringing Qernons DTP to 215.
Qernons Resistance Rolls are also adjusted according to Aloris Statistics in the following manner:
Add Aloris Stats: IN + WI + CN + CN to get a total. Divide by 10.
(82 + 92 + 84 + 84 = 342) ÷ 10 = 34.2 rounded down = 34
The logic is this: The IN for Gen. Magics, the WI for Psy-Sens, the first CN for Necromancy and the second CN for CN-Based Clericals. No Stat is added for Elemental Magic or Divine Influence Spells.
This 34 is added to all of Qernons Resistance Roll percentages. Because vampyres cannot add to their Elemental or Divine Influence Resistance Rolls, this is the only time these will be affected (except for Character Level increases).
Because of the drain on Aloris system during the creating of Qernon the vampyre, all of her Stats are halved for one full feeding period. Until her blood is replenished and her feeding schedule restored, this deficiency will last.
More changes in Qernon take place over the next few hours. His hair grows a short distance, then stops, as do his finger and toe nails. Once this growth stops, this is the condition in which he will awaken each evening. To be precise, whatever physical condition his body is in when he is made vampyre is the same physical condition in which he will awaken every evening.
Further changes include an increase in Ground Speed. Whatever it was, half of that number is added to it. For Qernon, that speed was 100 feet in 5 seconds. He can now move at 150 feet in 5 seconds.
Another of the changes is diet and methods of consumption. The incisors that are so stereotypical of vampyres are not permanently in place. They are retracted until needed. The diet is, of course, fresh blood, though not necessarily that of young virgins. Qernon can now consume the blood of any living creature, be it rat, human, or elf. He can also eat normal food, but because there is no digestive system for that, what goes in must come out, one way or another. Only sensuous pleasure is derived from eating or drinking mortal foods and drinks.
Another important change is the adjustment to nightvision. Human vampyres get 100 feet nightvision and all other vampyres get a 100% increase in their current nightvision distance (half-elf to 120 feet and half-orc to 180 feet). The sense of smell is enhanced so that a vampyre can smell the blood of any creature from a distance of 100 feet, dependent upon wind conditions.
While talking about Stats, let me just confirm that if a vampyre is killed, resurrection is not an option, ever.
Upon becoming a vampyre, Player Characters automatically receive a new Secondary Skill called Vampyrism. Let me stress one point- this is not a skill per se; it is merely a slot in which to keep up with, or bank, Vampyre Points. The reason is this: once becoming a vampyre, all experience in any form, whether Proficiency Levels or Skill Levels, is placed in Vampyrism and banked there until used. No longer does the vampyre divide experience by his Character Level. He receives raw Vampyre Points. In assigning Vampyre Points, the gamemaster uses the following math:
Total Adventure Points ÷ # of Characters = Vampyre Points for the Vampyre
(and really quick players will note that this is equivalent to Improvement Points, or IMPS)
These Vampyre Points are then used in several ways. They can alter Statistics, add to Proficiency Levels and Skill Levels, increase Ground Speed, and adjust Resistance Rolls. This is how its done:
A statistic increase of 1 point costs a number of Vampyre Points equal to three times the current Statistic Total.
A Proficiency Level or Skill Level increase of 1 Proficiency Level or Skill Level costs a number of Vampyre Points equal to two times the current Proficiency Levels or Skill Levels.
A Ground Speed increase of 10 feet per 5 seconds costs 50 Vampyre Points.
A Nightvision increase of 50 feet costs 50 Vampyre Points.
A Resistance Roll increase of 1% in any Resistance Roll except Elemental Magic and Divine Influence costs a number of Vampyre Points equal to the current Resistance Roll percentage. Vampyres cannot increase their Resistance Rolls in Elemental Magic or Divine Influence.
An example may be in order using Qernon:
Qernon has earned and banked 1000 Vampyre Points. He now wants to alter several of his Statistics and abilities.
Strength 52
Constitution 71
Dexterity 65
Intelligence 66
Wisdom 66
Comeliness 78
First, he wants to add to his Strength value. It is currently 52. He spends 156 Vampyre Points to change it to 53, and another 159 to change it to 54. He just spent 315 Vampyre Points to raise his Strength by two. He also wants to add to his Proficiency Levels in Medium Weapons. His current Proficiency Level in Medium Weapons is 8. He spends 16 Vampyre Points to raise it to 9, and another 18 to raise it to 10. He just spent 34 Vampyre Points to raise his Proficiency Level in Medium Weapons by two. He also wants to add to his Primary Skill of Horsemanship. His current Skill Level total in Horsemanship is 25. He spends 50 Vampyre Points to raise his Skill Levels to 26. Hell also increase his Ground Speed by 20 feet per 5 seconds at a cost of 100 Vampyre Points. He has now spent a total of 315 + 34 + 50 + 100 = 499 Vampyre Points. This leaves him with 501 Vampyre Points which he can keep banked in the Secondary Skill of Vampyrism for later use.
Another innate ability of the vampyre is to sense other vampyres within a certain radius. It starts out as a 25 feet radius. As a vampyre gets older, this radius increases at the rate of 5 feet per year. Yes, this means that an ancient vampyre will eventually be able to sense vampyres all over the globe. One point to be made here: The older a vampyre gets, the less sensitive this sense becomes, not because he loses some of it, but because it becomes overloaded. The older vampyre must concentrate on not hearing others, instead of the other way around. But, an advantage to this is that the older vampyres can pick and choose which vampyre he wants to hear. This is especially true between progenitor and offspring. The progenitor can always locate and listen to his offspring, regardless of the distance between them, though the offspring cannot do the reverse. Finally, after several centuries, older vampyres will not hear each other (except in the case of progenitor/offspring), though they can feel each other through the younger vampyres. This feeling is just a vague idea of where the older vampyre is.
As the vampyre ages, his immunity to extremes of heat and cold become stronger. Eventually, these extremes will not matter. He will be able to walk through ice storms or survive ultra-hot ovens (as long as there is no open flame).
Because he does not breathe, a vampyre can swim underwater forever. Or survive poisonous gas attacks, blah blah blah.
Next is the ways in which a vampyre travels. Turning into a bat or a wolf is no longer the case. If the vampyre wishes to become a Mage and learn a spell to shape-change himself, he is certainly able to do so, but this is not an innate ability of the vampyre. Instead, the vampyre has the ability to move at incredible speed, even when he is very young. Initial gains in speed are left to gameamsters discretion.
The vampyre can climb with amazing speed. He can climb any surface, except, maybe, glass. Some would say that ice is impossible, but if you have the strength to dig your fingers into the ice itself, you can climb it, and vampyres have that kind of strength.
A vampyre can also fly in his bodily form once he becomes old enough to realize that he can. It requires merely the desire to do so, but this realization usually does not come until the vampyre is several centuries old. Many vampyres do not get that old. Because this is rather arbitrary, lets call it gamemasters discretion.
Now, how does one kill a vampyre? Basically, there are only three ways of doing this. The first is decapitation. Take the head off the vampyres shoulders and it dies, instantly. There is no pile of ash because the vampyre has kept his body cells rejuvenated with the blood of its victims.
Secondly there is exposure to sunlight. A vampyre is resistant to the rays of the sun for a number of seconds equal to his Constitution plus one second for every year of vampyric life. So, in other words, a vampyre who has lived 100 years vampyrically and has a Constitution of 83 has 183 seconds of exposure before bursting into flames. If the vampyre is exposed to sunlight for less than his maximum time and retreats to safety, it will take one feeding period for him to regain his exposure time.
Thirdly is to drain all of a vampyres blood from his body. This is usually an option only for other vampyres. If a vampyre does suck all the blood from another vampyre, the victors Stats will increase as if he had just been made a vampyre- 10% of the dead vampyres Stats are transferred to the victors VdV. Mortals drinking vampyre blood will gain the same Stat bonuses, but only for one day and night, after which a two day period of extreme stomach pain and vomiting will ensue. This mortal will not become a vampyre just from the drinking, and blood transfusions with vampyre blood only causes pain to the recipient.
I think Ive covered just about everything except this one thing. Vampyres can only be human or demi-human: Human, Human Half-Elf, and Human Half-Orc. Thats really about it. If you want a logical reason for this, its because the other races are too closely related to the gods that created them and their blood is completely incompatible with the virus/ curse/ hunger/ thirst of the vampyre. Dont get me wrong here. An elf makes just as good a meal as anyone, but if an attempt is made to make an elf an acolyte, or even a pseudo-immortal, the blood exchanged will cause the elf to hemorrhage and die within an hour and will cause the vampyre a lot of pain due to the lost blood. The vampyre, too, will not be able to feed for two days, making him very weak, etc. This blood thing is true for all nonhuman and non-demi-human species. Period. No exceptions.
Now, the vampyre in character classes.
Cleric: Because the vampyre has no soul, the gods could care less whether he exists or not, and because he is immortal, they probably would like the vampyre destroyed, but theyll usually take their own good time about it. So, a vampyre cannot be a Cleric as such. Again, though, there is an exception. If a vampyre chooses to assist one god exclusively as if he were a Cleric, that god might see fit to grant some clerical powers to the vampyre. These powers are in addition to the Cleric-like powers the vampyre gains as innate abilities once created:
(1) Restore- all damage is healed during resting periods. This is all damage, with the possible exception of fire damage. The vampyre simply wakes up the next night completely healed. The healing of burns takes longer and uses up Constitution points in this fashion: one Constitution point per DTP of fire damage. These Constitution points are never regained, except through the expenditure of Vampyre Points.
(2) Sphere of Darkness- this is just like the clerical spell, except that it is an innate ability 5 times per day. The vampyre creates a sphere of darkness with a 15 foot radius. Because this is not a spell, the radius never changes. Of course, the vampyre is free to become a Mage (as opposed to a Cleric) and learn the spell where radius does increase.
(3) Detect Deception- this is 5 times per day and due mostly to his enhanced mental capacities.
(5) Detect Clerical Magic- this is because of the absence of a soul. Just as mortals cannot normally do this, vampyres can.
(6) Summon Forest Creature- almost exclusively wolves and bats. The vampyre does not know how many will respond, just that at least one will. This is a consolation prize for not being able to turn into one.
Now, this all adds up to the vampyre being a very powerful Cleric-type, but note that none of these spells can be transferred to a scroll or their effects upon other characters. All effects are directly connected to the vampyre. If a god so chooses, though, he can aid a vampyre if he feels the vampyre may actually serve a purpose.
Fighter: For obvious reasons, the vampyre makes an excellent Fighter. His strength, agility, and innate abilities make him the perfect fighting machine. He can use any weapon, is not restricted as to armour, has an eternity to learn new weapons, and can remember most of everything else.
Mage: Again, the vampyre makes an excellent Mage, though he is restricted in one respect- he cannot use necromancy as he has no soul with which to bargain with the lesser demons necromancy calls upon. This is really limiting (full sarcasm meant here). There is even an exception here. If the vampyre is able to provide a service one of these demons may need, the demon may grant him certain temporary abilities, but this would be a shaky agreement at best.
The vampyre does get some innate spell-like abilities, however.
(1) Move Silently- this is a constant thing. If the vampyre actually wants to make his footsteps heard, he needs to consciously try to do this.
(2) Shadow Vision- this is because the vampyre himself is not a natural part of the world. He can see anything that manifests itself on the plane he is currently inhabiting. This is innate and all he has to do is want to do it and its done. No limit per day. Period.
(3) Wraithform- Because of their affinity with darkness and shadow, the vampyre can move amongst them invisibly, but if they step into the light, well, they can be seen. This, too, is automatic and if the vampyre wants to be seen in shadows, he must make the conscious effort to subdue this power.
Thief: Obviously, with his speed, agility and ability to move invisibly in shadows and silently as well, the vampyre makes an excellent thief. I dont know what else has to be said here.
Multi-Classing: Why not? As the vampyre is immortal, there is no reason for him not to learn other Proficiencies. Of course, some things are out, as mentioned above; however, there are many ways for a vampyre to multi-class into at least three of the basic classes as a Fighter/Mage/Thief. Think about it.