
Player: Howard Scott
Race: Human
Class: Fighter

"His *&%$ing head's coming right off."

The clerics of Myshella found me at the gate to the temple in Cymor on the Summer Solstice, so I was named. I grew up in the church and the priests pushed me into the acolytes' school. The other children would laugh at me because I was so disfigured... I was muscular, not weak. I never enjoyed the books I was forced to read, so I cheated.
But I loved my conversations with Myshella. She would come to me, speaking to me in my sleep and as a small voice in my ear during the day. She told me often how much I was her favorite and that she would always be near me. It made me special, and so I would speak the words of Myshella and the other acolytes, as well as some of the priests, would laugh. I would fight them, then, pummeling with fists and kicking. The priests quickly moved me into the training grounds for the Holy Warriors. They told me to learn discipline. I was taught by Chauncer, one of the best teachers of the martial arts in the Holy Warrior school. He taught me many things about inner peace and careful summation of our souls and what they can absorb from our surroundings.
And he taught me how to fight- swords, staves, bow, crossbow- I received training in all the weapons available, plus some we just made up- bottles, chains, chairs. I developed my own style of fighting, combining kicks and jumps and fists and weapons and the day came when I beat Chauncer. He lay on the ground under my fist. He smiled and told me I was done. He got up and gave me his cloak and his belt, a massive chain that wraps twice around my waist. He gave me his sword and whispered to me that all three had been given to him by Myshella while he slept. I told him then that I understood and that she had whispered to me as well. He seemed shocked and almost disappointed, but he put his arm around me as we walked to dinner together. I will always remember him.
I fight for the Church of Myshella. I am not a Holy Warrior, nor do I want to be one- the priests know better what the church wants, but I know what Myshella wants, and she wants me to fight.
I also smile a lot.

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