Halloween- 2004 

Death Guardians

The Framework:
From one 8' length of 1" PVC
One 5' length
Two 9" lengths
Two 10" lengths
Two 11" lengths

One cross connector
Two 90 degree elbows
Two 45 degree elbows

The Base:
Three T-connectors
Two 7" lengths
Four 5" lengths
Four 1" endcaps

For the frame:

Starting from the cross connector at the top..
9" piece in opposite sides...
On top of the 5' piece to make a large T (body and shoulders).
90 degree elbow at the end of each 9" piece to make shoulder joint.
10" piece to make "bicep."
45 degree piece to make elbow joint.
11" piece to make "forearm."

For the base:
T-connector glued to two 9" pieces.
Two T-Connectors glued to 9"pieced so that original T-connector points straight up.
Two 5" pieces into the open ends of each T-connector.
An endcap on the end of each 5" piece for support.

Make two hands in the fashion of your choice. We will probably use a set of hand gloves from Spencer Gifts because we don't currently do any latex scultping.
Mount a 1" pipe in each hand.
Use a 1" connector to mount each hand to the appropriate arm.

Foam body pillow used to fill out his chest and waist.

Brown monk's robe/cloak purchased from Party City.

Because we have two of these, Ron and I wrote a stereo script and recorded such onto a CD. We mounted a LEFT speaker into one Guardian and a RIGHT speaker in the other just beneath the level of the empty hood. As we played back our stereo script, each Guardian responds to the other.

Boom! Death Guardian! Not really as simple as it sounds, but incredibly effective.

Here's a shot of Doom (his brother is Gloom) showing the PVC base. We are using a skull mask and styrofoam wig head for a temporary head form. We may stick with that look if we like it enough. The next picture is much more exciting.

Here's a shot with forced perspective making Doom look taller than he really is. He really is 6'4" or so. He's meaty. John built some muscles for him.

Doom and Gloom will guard the entrance into Lord Arkayn's lost laboratory. Doom is in my living room right now, rocking in the wind created by my ceiling fan. Man, he's creepy!

Doom and Gloom guarding the entrance to Lord Arkayn's Lab. Notice the Borisi heads... they yammered at each other all night. Despite the rather crude nature of the one file, everyone's favorite conversation was "Bambulance," which I forgot was on the CD from last year. I'll make a new one for next year.

A shot of Gloom. Boris head, monk's costume from Party City, latex glove hands filled with Great Stuff and a piece of PVC. And a folded body pillow to fill him out. He was great! So was his twin brother, Doom.
And above is the vid. If you listen closely, you can hear our 3' tall Magic Mirror head singing "Muh nah muh nah!"