In the late 19th Century, Lord Arkayn, sustained by his majiks and the new technologies of electricity and magnetism, worked to develop a way of bringing his wife, the damned vampyre Lady Arkayn, back from her vampyric state to that of life. He spent months in vivisection of the poor hapless souls who wandered onto his lands, keeping them alive through artificial means, through the introduction of electrical impulses into their slowly decaying bodies. Many of the experiments failed, miserably, leaving the bodies scarred and pieced together. Those that still lived might only have done so through sheer will, and that will was broken, leaving them insane and incapable of understanding their plight. It is rumoured that Arkayn was even able to completely disect a human victim, sustaining his brain in a vat of chemicals and electricity, still connected to hands and heart and dismembered eyes, still capable of keeping life.
Some say the souls of the dead still wander through the halls of his experimentation lab, leading the living through the maze of corridors, displaying images of the horrors Arkayn created, offering a tour of the lab itself where the remnants of equipment and torture devices can still be seen, some of it seemingly still... active.